Say hello to, “Message in a Bottle.” Love in a bottle is a story about Ake Viking. A Swedish sailor who was desperate to find love while lonely as sea. His note included, “To someone Beautiful and Far away. Write to me, whoever you are.”
A 17 year old Palina Puzzo found the bottle 2 years later and sent a response. She told them she found the bottle and message near her home in Sicily and wrote, “I am not beautiful, but it seems so miraculous that this little bottle should’ve traveled so far and long to reach me that I must send you an answer.” More letters traveled between the two via snail mail.
In 1958 the Van Deusen’s headline for the story, Dizzy Things Happen when Cupid Sends “First-Glass,” Mail.
Ake travelled to Sicily to visit Puzzo. And they were married shortly after. Making one of history’s most romantic love stories.